Friday, November 6, 2015

November 6, 2015     

            Following the Eric Jensen workshop on Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind, I used my working memory to think back to an article I read last summer. The title of the article is “The Relationship Between Poverty and Achievement in Maine Public High Schools – and a Path Forward”.

            The study broke Maine’s High Schools into 4 categories created by comparing state test scores to the percentage of students on Free or Reduced lunch. The focus was on schools with a high percentage of Free or Reduced Lunch students (High Poverty) and higher than expected state test scores. This sub group was called “Defying the Odds” High Schools.

            The study included 13 High Schools, (all High Poverty, High Achieving), 2200 classroom observations and 550 teacher and administrator interviews by outside observers (the research team that authored the article).

            The team identified seven distinguishing characteristics found in the “Defying the Odds” High Schools as follows:

1.               High expectations for performance of students and staff.
2.               Collective expertise in using data for improved learning.
3.               Time for focused, sustained professional development.
4.               Efficient use of learning time.
5.               A collective sense of accountability.
6.               Focused, collaborative and guiding leadership.
7.               A focus on intellectual work as well as academic learning.

            The report then went on to note that most, if not all of the characteristics listed above, are within the powers and control of a school and none should be considered cost prohibitive.

            Although the study was conducted in High Schools in the state of Maine, the seven distinguishing characteristics above are applicable to any school, any state, or any building. As you review the list, are there areas you believe we excel or areas in which we could improve? I would love to hear your thoughts.

            If you wish to add a comment or thought to this discussion, Matt has set up a blog at “Defy the Odds”. Please feel free to post your comments for the good of our learning community by clicking on the comment link just below the post.

Thank you.


Thursday, November 5, 2015


This blog will be a place for us to discuss our thoughts around different topics in education. Please feel free to add comments and reflections on other's comments.